Digital Marketing

Programmatic ads: optimization, efficiency and diversification in traffic acquisition

Il Digital Marketing it is a sector in constant turmoil: month after month it changes, evolves, transforms, incorporating ever new technologies in a succession of trends and trends that seem to have no end. If the world is digital, online marketing and communication are no longer a simple option, but an imperative for the survival of any business.

If differentiation is a pervasive concept in corporate strategy, an essential element for achieving a solid competitive advantage and a fundamental condition for managing business risks, the need to consider a multitude of acquisition channels to ensure the necessary continuity of the marketing activity. In other words, depending on only one channel is a risky and inefficient strategy. This is where they come into play paid advertising campaigns, which allow the achievement of the right mix of channels and offer customized solutions for any company wishing to expand its customer pool.

One of the most dynamic sectors of the moment is programmatic advertising, better known as programmatic advertising, a new acquisition channel aimed at generating quality traffic. An industry giant is for example Match2One, but what is it, how does it work and what are the advantages of this tool?

Programmatic advertising for traffic acquisition

Il Programmatic advertising it is, basicallyfor mobile devices to report the specialized in the purchase of digital advertising forms, for example, i banner and other types of display ads. Handle this kind of ads in a programmatic means to automate their purchase, ppositioning and optimization. What does it mean? Put simply, the platforms that use this kind of software buy advertising space on online sites belonging to their network and resell it to advertisers, acting as an intermediary between supply and demand for slots online advertising.

Therefore, the programmatic ads it is not a platform, but a technology implemented by some platforms for the creation of highly personalized advertising campaigns. The basic concept is very simple: manage intelligently - or rather, programmatic - the meeting between those who need to monetize their site, which generates traffic, by offering advertising spaces and those who, as a retailer, are constantly looking for new spaces where they can show their advertising campaigns efficiently, optimizing their investment.

Programmatic Advertising: How Does It Work?

We have said that this kind of technology makes it possible to intelligently manage the meeting between supply and demand for advertising spaces; but what does this mean in practice? This is possible through the use of three different platforms, which work continuously and integrated: a platform for supply, one for demand, and one that deals with data management.

Let's go a little more specifically: the DMP, data management platform, collects user data, translating them into useful information for defining the target; the DSP, demand side platform, is the platform used for the purchase of advertising space by advertisers; in the end, the SSP, supply-side platform, takes care of placing offers on the sites, analyzing the data provided by the DMP.

Why rely on this technology?

Beyond the technicalities, why therefore rely on this technology? The answer is simple: first, the customization and precision which guarantees in terms of target, thanks to the use of a huge amount of data; secondly, optimization takes place real-time as not only the contents are shown only to those who really - or potentially - have an interest in the article or service in question, but at the exact moment in which they express such interest. Last but not least, partially rely on software from programmatic ads allows greater differentiation in the acquisition channels, and consequently a decrease in risks.

So, going in order, the benefits of Programmatic Ads They are different:

  1. Acquire traffic and customers from an additional channel: the first advantage that can be found using this technology is certainly that of increasing customer acquisition channels, reducing dependence on other paid channels - the most famous Google Ads, Facebook Ads and all variants of the genre. In other words, let's talk about risk diversification: the more channels that produce qualified leads and acquire customers, the lower the risks for the company. Furthermore, the possibility that this kind of channel determines a greater return on investment than one of the other channels mentioned is not to be underestimated: a greater ROI is not necessarily directly associated with a more mainstream.
  1. Accuracy in the target and optimization of the campaign: the second great advantage of this technology is the possibility to choose the target of users who will see your advertisement. In fact, it is possible to choose the type of sites on which it will appear, the geographical location, the times, the distribution of the budget, the keywords, the type of users and much more. This leads to greater accuracy and, consequently, the optimization of the campaign.
  1. Efficiency: not just optimization, precision translates into efficiency. Yes, because the possibility of indicating a great quantity of specific variables allows to carry out an innumerable number of experiments. Different combinations will give different results, allowing over time to refine the marketing strategy and identify the options that determine the greatest ROI.
  1. Data: the use of a DMP, that is a data management platform, is undoubtedly the key to the success of this technology. In fact, we are talking about the analysis of an immense amount of data regarding the online behavior of users, which can therefore be profiled with great precision. There is no point in explaining the value of this information when it comes to investing in marketing and advertising.
  2. Advertising algorithms: starting to advertise your articles with this technology means taking advantage of precise advertising algorithms able to make the right customers meet the right advertisers. The goal of these algorithms is in fact to find, in the available user base, those who are genuinely interested in the advertised product: no one continues to invest in a campaign that does not give results!
  3. Keeping up with the times: last but not least, and Adweek confirms it, investments in Programmatic are constantly increasing: be careful not to be left behind!

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