The online market offers more and more possibilities to start successful entrepreneurial activities on the web.
Often, to start your own business, you need important economic, production and management resources.
In other cases, however, you can turn to companies that aim to put the world of companies in communication with people who want to enter the online business market.
This is the case of, an agency created by Giorgio Galano in 2016, who connects manufacturers and wholesale distributors and offers support to all companies they want Increase Sales using the model of the Dropshipping.
Today Giorgio Galano tells us how a business like Droppalo develops and how it is a story successful Viva Digital where digital infrastructure and digital marketing must necessarily go hand in hand for guarantee an always efficient system and a constantly growing business.
Good morning Giorgio, tell us a little about, what do you do?
Hello my name is Giorgio Galano and I am the founder of a small agency called
We basically deal with proposing the dropshipping system both to companies that have their own warehouse (suppliers) and to wholesalers or manufacturers and to this we then connect strategies so that they can find agents and affiliated companies.
We offer these companies a completely innovative system synchronized with the warehouse that at the same time does not destabilize what they already do.
We take care of acquiring potential affiliates by doing marketing on franchise portals with Google. This is what happens on the company side.
On the user or potential affiliate side, we take care of supporting him in the right choice of supplier. Obviously there are many suppliers for many products and there we go to do a sort of interview with the potential affiliate where we go to propose those systems that we all know today, that is to say, trade with products connected to the supplier warehouse and marketing campaigns so that they can generate sales.
What previous steps did you have to take to get to this company?
Let's say the first step was to test dropshipping for yourself. We started many years ago. We can certainly say more than six years ago with a specific product which is that of electronic cigarettes. We had no budget to build a large warehouse and we connected with suppliers who gave us the opportunity to work with this method.
And from there then came the idea of proposing it to many companies that have warehouses that are still on sale and sold. And to propose it to many people who they want to start an online sales path with an e-commerce but they don't have big budgets.
So we try to unite both the entrepreneur and both the company with the end user.
In this activity you saw the potential and wanted to provide others with your experience. I noticed that he explained it to us and smiles as if this were a very pleasant memory. It is evident that he is passionate about this topic.
It is pleasant both as a memory and as a number. We started doing the classic two or three expeditions, even a little less, a week in the first two years, to get to make one hundred shipments a day.
It was a sector in which there was a boom but in any case we worked hard and dropshipping helped us.
Then we did a warehouse and we have acquired our own warehouse. From there we also grew because the drophipping group usually serves this: to enter a sector trying to get help from those who already work there and then grow and become a true entrepreneur.
What is the competitive advantage you have in your business in the eyes of the potential customer? What are the benefits that the customer gets from working with you?
Company side obviously the warehouse. Put simply, we can bring him sales. Why usually the customer is used to selling only in bulk. Today we know how the situation is so we are going to connect a system that basically allows him to have many agents who bring him sales without discounts.
On the customer side, it is simply possible open an e-commerce with thousands of products without investing mind-boggling figures, without having goods on the ground, without having to ship and pay for them comfortably after selling them. So I'd say it's a nice plus. Obviously then we help him to manage e-commerce both on the marketing side and on the managerial side. The advantage is that to open a business with very, very low investments than those that are required for opening a real business.
Let's say that the customer, therefore not the company, has an interest in entering this world which is the world of e-commerce of online sales but does not want to invest too much at the beginning so he does not want to have a warehouse, employees and other structures, it comes to you and you have a turnkey solution to get it started with a low investment. Right?
That's right, that's right.
So on the customer side, who usually turns to you is a person looking for a new job opportunity?
A new opportunity or he is unhappy with his job or he even doesn't like what he does and wants anymore do something innovative.
These are the most common stories. Then obviously there is a good part instead of small entrepreneurs and traders who already have a VAT number and deal with something else and want to enter the world of online sales.
So these are the two types of affiliates who contact us.
So do people who are not experts also receive training and support from you as a service? That is, do you help them grow?
So can we say that it is a service quite open to many types of serious investors, individuals and maybe even small freelancers, therefore very heterogeneous?
Yes is aimed at all. It is a fairly important change from the old way of doing business where the initial investment is needed, you need to have a clear idea of how to do everything.
We lower the barriers to entry very much with this idea. Because on the other side we find ourselves talking to people who have completely different goals or sometimes they don't have well-defined goals, but they need to question themselves and start something, to learn a new thing, a new job to then take the fruits. We find ourselves talking to people who say “I have some free time and instead of spending it in front of the television, Facebook or Netflix, I prefer to learn something. If it becomes such an income that it can completely replace my work, it will be fine. "
There are those who start just like that and there are obviously those who have clear ideas. So let's talk a little bit with everyone, obviously with different goals and different budgets too.
Why us maybe we are among the few who do not ask for mandatory royalty renewal costs. We give everyone the freedom to start as they want with us and to choose the services. This thing is a double-edged sword for us: there is the affiliate who rightly takes it a little calmly because there is no deadline, there is no rent to pay, a bill or a royalty and therefore we also give everyone the opportunity to recover .
We can say that this is one of the ways it makes you stand out from the competition. Is there anything else that sets you apart?
Well yes, we are also distinguished by the fact that the competition is prepared on the warehouse side but is less prepared on the affiliate support side in going to propose something suitable.
I understand the present of this business of this business is very active, there is a lot of interest. How do you see the next five years of this activity? What do you expect from this world?
5 years is too long even in light of what happens annually, alas. Not only from the point of view of the global situation but also from the technological point of view, with innovation, blockchain etc. So returning to the dropshipping question I see it well why now you can not pretend nothing has happened, even those who have a shop are already on the road must take into account that omitting online sales can be quite dangerous. So I see it well why anyway we offer the possibility to many people at least to enter this world, to be followed. In the next few years I imagine that there will be growth because in any case the requests are there and are increasing.
Can we say that if the next 5 are as positive as the last 5 you will feel satisfied?
Yes, many entrepreneurs cannot say this in this period, in recent years there have been a lot of difficulties for many companies so it is important to see that there are instead new systems that work regardless of the problems that we all know.
Then we are always looking for other systems to integrate or set up from scratch. From the point of view of innovation, we do not stop, let's keep moving forward.
I like innovation. By the way, do you have any future projects? Something you can anticipate, some news?
Nice news! In the last year we have received many requests from affiliates who already work with us and for potential interested partners to have better organized tax planning. I mean that many of these people who work with us but also with other companies are gods real digital nomads, people or digital entrepreneurs who now only manage online businesses often changing country or for certain periods of the year do not live in Italy and therefore they ask us for solutions in which they can have tax breaks. It is above all when we go to generate profits that we know what the situation is like here and what other countries in Europe offer. Therefore we started a journey with the Bulgarian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Sofia where of course not us, but our partner accountants and lawyers go to provide advice obviously after analyzing the affiliate's needs.
And is this a service that you also offer to those who are not your dropshipping affiliate?
Yes, yes, because it was inevitable that the affiliate would then talk with friends, with partners and in any case they would get there requests for advice which obviously made this business grow rapidly.
So to summarize a potential customer assuming that he wants to have all your services, he gets from you a warehouse with the products, an IT structure then an e-commerce etc, ready for sale, your support for the management of these online activities, your training and also wanting tax and corporate advice to possibly open a VAT number in Europe, manage it and maximize earnings?
It must have been easy to put all these pieces together I guess?
Eh it took and it takes time. During the path however, mistakes are also made, therefore it is certainly necessary to be able to offer something valid and clearly functional from a technical point of view. Clearly all entrepreneurs who do something sooner or later get something wrong or have difficulties.
In these years of crisis and growth, what were your main difficulties that you have overcome?
The main difficulties obviously have always been the ones we had at the beginning of each project, I also mean more important partnerships or simply technical updates. All things that at the beginning obviously created a bit of confusion because when you update a system then you also have to update everything that is connected to that system. So then you had to run left and right until you did we have found the square after years. The difficulty was running when we had less means than now. Now even if there is a need to make additions or fix some things, it is done with more but more calmly and certainly with more planning.
While the issue of digitization for you was more of a difficulty or an opportunity that you rode?
It was certainly an opportunity. The direction is that. Then things always come to us later. It is also normal that this is the case. So we're still in the early stages there is still the news.
There is still room for those who want to do, he wants to commit himself and perseveres in what he does. There is still a lot more to do and there are so many possibilities.
I take a step back on the core business of dropshipping. Do you provide a warehouse with products, in particular sectors and expertise?
Yes, obviously we avoid noble sectors but let's go to niche sectors we see on the web and Google e where there are searches. Let's do an analysis and we go to insert the products. We were born with adult items, the brand is to then flank legal hemp ( On the basis of internal research, fairly young projects were born alongside these: home and garden products. We have focused on sought-after products that the affiliate can sell.
What is your role in society? You are a reference figure, what do you do?
I am the sales manager, I follow the colleagues who deal with consult those who contact us from the web but at the same time I support the customer care manager support from affiliates who are new to this industry and need help.
If someone is interested, can they contact you and receive advice from you?
Do you want to leave us a reference?
The email to contact me is and the number 339 2601296.
To close, would you like to give a message to those interested in having more info?
What we offer is a something targeted to get into online business, who should be interested in undertake an online career path with a limited budget you can contact us and we will explain how to do it.