Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies for Online Sex Shops

Digital marketing has become essential in multiple sectors, including sex shop online. To achieve success in online sales, it is essential to build a solid one digital presence and attract visitors to your site website.

Unlike physical stores, e-commerce cannot exploit the appeal of a captivating window display, perfumes or suggestive melodies to attract customers. As a result, they need to focus on investing in strategies online promotion in order to make your business known and present theirs virtual showcase to users.

In particular, i sex shop online may face some challenges when operating on the most popular platforms. However, through alternative strategies, they can still increase theirs visibility.

Sex Shop: a growing sector

This sector is in full expansion worldwide. Thousands of people are looking for more and more detailed information about sex toys. Even in Italy this business is becoming more and more successful, come on variable e-commerce sites present there was an increase in sales of 40% over the past two years, the biggest buyers have been couples. With the growth of demand, supply is also experiencing a sharp surge, with shop online which are now becoming a fashion.

More and more people are approaching this sector driven by the desire to change jobs or find alternatives after such an uncertain period of great crisis. This sector offers many possibilities for work online, the market is ready, albeit often and willingly talking about it is still taboo.

Perhaps precisely because of this taboo, online shops are enjoying greater success than physical stores. Furthermore, as has already been said, the demand for these products is growing strongly with a forecast to expand even more in the next 5 years. 

How to sell sex toys online

If you are considering starting a business selling sex toys online, following a well-structured strategy is essential to achieving the desired success. Here is a complete guide that will help you make the most of your business:

  1. Creating a Quality E-commerce Site:

In addition to the classic physical shops selling sex toys, there is online sales through e-commerce company site. Doing an e-commerce is very safer than a traditional shop, mainly because the initial investment is much lower. First of all, serves the e-commerce site, this must be cared for both from an aesthetic point of view, via slider, banner and logo, both from functional point of view in order to have an easy shopping experience, then divide each product within your own category and have one product description detailed with some sharp photos.

  1. Warehouse management:

As far as shipping and actually purchasing products, there are two options: The first is to decide to buy the goods and make a warehouse managing everything yourself, including preparing the packages and shipping, or you can use a service where the site is synchronized to the warehouse of an external supplier which takes care of both the warehouse and the shipping, this system of online sex shop in dropshipping  Dropshipping is a lighter strategy where your site is synchronized with the warehouse of an external supplier. This supplier manages inventory and takes care of shipping for you. While this option results in lower profit margins, it requires less upfront investment and inventory risk. This type of strategy is very functional. Obviously the difference between the two options is the price.

  1. Effective Marketing Strategy:

For your site to be noticed by as many people as possible, it is important to have one communication strategy. This involves analysis of the target, competitors and market positioning. The most important part, however, is that of presence of your business on social networks: Instagram and Facebook. Continuous publication of content e the use of the right keywords will generate a lot traffic vto your page and it will bring many potential customers. However, if you are not sure if your strategy works you can always contact professional agencies like ours they deal with digital marketing of the sex shop sector and help you grow and improve your business. With careful planning and careful management, it is possible to build a business success in the sale of sex toys online. The key is to offer an attractive platform, high-quality products, an effective marketing strategy and, if necessary, the support of industry experts. Maintain attention to detail and you are well positioned to thrive in this growing industry.

How to overcome the difficulty of selling sex toys online 

Having overcome the initial embarrassment of finding ourselves talking about vibrators and BDSM accessories, we realized that the creation of the site and the management of social networks, with related sponsorships, proved to be a rather difficult challenge. Since these are products related to the world of sex, in fact, we have to deal with the di Google and social networks, that not only do not allow you to advertise these products through sponsored posts e Google Ads, but limit strongly using images too explicit. So how to sell sex without being explicit?

However, we have chosen to undertake this challenge, and to give the best of us: Much of our work has focused on making intuitive and easy to navigate sitesa clear menu and simple to use (which is not so obvious, especially for this sector). Not being able to pay for place these sex shops on search engines, it is possible to implement a work of Organic SEO, through the constant page optimization for search engines and the drafting of a editorial plan of blog articles, which are published weekly on the site.

As for the social networks  you need to choose photos that leave a lot of room for imagination and write copy and product descriptions catchy, which invite the user to visit the site to learn more. We do not hide that it is one real challenge: Its Instagram e Facebook need think differently to adapt to restrictive regulations but still present your product catalog in the best possible way. From experience we tell you that there is no sector in which you cannot have results with a good digital strategy, and that it is important to always have a open minded and the support of a team of copywriters, ads specialists and social media managers capable of dealing with the sector with professionalism and uniqueness.